Before making the commercial, we did some research to look at other commercials and look at similarities as well as differences between them. A common theme was focusing entirely on the backpack and show that the backpack is durable, basically not having a storyline at all. The commercial that my group made had a storyline, but still the primarily focus is on the backpack. The story shows a faulty backpack that does not work and allows Jansport backpacks to look like a better backpack. The commercial takes place at a school, where a popular issue is bullying. In the commercial, two girls walk by making fun of the girl with the faulty backpack. In the end, the commercial has all three girls with Jansport backpacks walking away.
2. How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as a real media text?
Our commercial was for a school project, so there was no need to advertise or distribute it. However, writing these blogs has been a way to engage with audiences. Detailing every step of the process for the commercial: storyboarding, filming, and editing has been a way to connect with the audience. If it were to be distributed, it would be shown as a commercial in between a television show/movie or as an advertisement on a YouTube video either before, during, or after.
3. How did your production skills develop throughout this project?
The process of making this commercial allowed myself to understand the film making process and to really learn what the different camera angles and movements are. There are a lot of different steps that come as preparation to a commercial, something that I was not all aware about before. Since I was part of a group for this project, not every production still developed. For example, editing the project which can include adding audio to the video separately or adding transitions between different scenes. Using different filming techniques such as camera angles, camera movements, costumes, and props have developed. Knowing how long a shot should be and how many takes is also important and something that improved for me with making this commercial.
4. How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?
Majority of the technology used in this project was in the editing, the part in the commericial where I had little involvement in. Technology was also used in filming by the director, but I was an actor. The only other places in the process involving technology were research and blogging. For research, I was the one who found the videos for the group to look at, which were online at YouTube. For the blogs, I wrote the group blogs as long as my own individual blogs, using technology to type them up.
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