Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Back to the Beginning

Hello to my lovely readers, today is the day I start my music video project. I'll be posting lots of different blogs to update you throughout the process. After the last project, I feel confident and ready for the music video.

The music video is a chance to work on a different type of product in the film making industry. This project will be much more different than the last. The project is longer, over double the length. This means the storyboard, filming time, and editing time will all be longer. Although, the projects have their similarities. Both projects have the same process of creating them. From research, to planning, storyboarding, filming, editing, and reflecting, the process is the same.

The music video will hopefully be easier. After the commercial, my film making skills have developed. I now understand the process and can do it all again for this project. Going back to the beginning is a second chance.

I am very excited for this project. When I was younger, I would make funny, childish music videos with my friends. They were nothing serious and all for fun, but I loved making them. Getting the chance to make a serious music video, would be very fun and exciting.

Starting over in the process is interesting, it will give me a chance to fix any mistakes from the first time. All in all, I'm ready to take you all along this journey with me.

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Critical Reflection

The products made represent the social issue of teenage friendship. The film shows the development of two teenage girls who go on to become ...