Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Continuation of Filming

Welcome back my lovely readers, I'm going to tell you all about the second part of my day of filming. To recap, I had just finished filming scene 4 and still need to film scenes 1 and 6.

Although the original plan was to film all the scenes and shots in sequential order, that got changed. Scenes 1 and 6 were filmed in sequence, though. 

The first shot has not yet been filmed because it has been changed since the storyboard. Instead of an establishing shot that shows the outside of Cassandra's house, I will be filming an establishing shot that shows a sign saying "Welcome to Fort Lauderdale". The reason for this change is to show the audience what location the scene is taking place and signify the distance between Cassandra and Stephanie.

Every other shot for Cassandra's scenes have been filmed. The first shot I filmed for the first scene was Cassandra turning around herself. After this shot, I had Lindsay (who plays Cassandra) practice her line. I made sure it was said with intent and conveyed the correct message for this scene. It took a few attempts to film that shot, but I was able to get it relatively quickly. The next shot was Cassandra walking into her house. I made sure to remind Lindsay to not look at the camera but to look right in front of herself. That was the final shot of scene 1.

For scene 6, I brought Lindsay up to the guest room in my house. This room was used as Cassandra's room. Before filming this scene, I took some things from my room to add that makes the room seem more like a teenage girl's. I then explained to Lindsay what happens in this scene and had her practice her line in this scene. The first shot showed Cassandra looking through her room. At first, the shot went to far with Lindsay walking past the mirror. This would not align with the following shot, so it needed to be change. I had Lindsay redo the shot and we were able to move onto the next shot. The following shot was Lindsay looking at the mirror. Due to myself not being able to be seen through the mirror, the first shot showed Lindsay out of view. I had to adjust her position to match with the camera which was able to make the shot work. The next shot showed Lindsay laying on the bed. I needed to stand on the bed and put the camera above her to be an aerial shot. The final shot shows Cassandra sobbing. To be able to do this, Lindsay sprayed water under her eye to make it seem as if she was crying.

Monday, March 28, 2022

The Process of Filming

Welcome back my lovely readers, today I filmed my part of the film. My partner and I are each filming part of the film. I had the responsibility of filming Cassandra's scenes. There were three scenes to film: scenes 1, 4, and 6.

Leading up to the day of filming was very difficult. Of the three actors in these scenes: Cassandra, Jenny, and Amber, they were all replaced. Cassandra was played by Lindsay White. Jenna Olson now plays Jenny, instead of Cassandra as planned. The character Amber was changed to Andre as Jack Olson played him. All of these recasts were necessary for me to film Cassandra's scenes.

For filming, Jenna and Jack got to my house first which was a challenge. I was only able to film two shots with them before Lindsay had arrived. I filmed the shot of them coming to Cassandra's house on their bikes and the shot of them leaving Cassandra's house. Both of these shots were in scene 4, the only scenes at which Jenny and Andre are part of.

Soon after, Lindsay had arrived and I was able to finish filming for scene 4. I showed everyone their lines for the scene and had them shortly practice them. The rest of scene 4 was filmed chronological order, to make things easier. I had Lindsay go inside my house and walk out. From there, I had Lindsay, Jenna, and Jack practice their lines a few times. This next shot of Cassandra, Jenny, and Andre talking took the most takes. There were multiple mistakes made which took much more time to film. Once this shot was filmed, we moved on to the shot of Cassandra walking away.

This was the final shot of scene 4. This meant Jenna and Jack were no longer needed in the filming process and shortly after left.

That's the first part of my day for filming.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

A Change in Music

Welcome back my lovely readers, I have an update about the music being used. The original plan of music will not be able to work. Unfortunately, I was not able to get legal permissions to use "Always Forever by Cults". I tried to email Columbia Records, the label that owns the song, but the email I used was incorrect. I did some research trying to find the correct email, but I couldn't find it.

Therefore, I have chosen a different song to use. I have decided to use a song called "Art of Silence by Uniq". I found the song on YouTube. There is no copyright on it so I am free to use it for the film. The song will play all throughout the film in the background. It will play at a low volume so you can still hear the dialogue. However, at the end of the film the volume will increase as the screen fades too black.

The song has a sad effect to it which matches our film quite well. For a song, I wanted the song to reflect the emotion in the film which this does. The film is sad because the two characters are separated. Fortunately, this song is able to match the emotion and will work well in the film. 

The song chosen has no words in it, just a melody. The song is very repetitive with the melody being nearly the same throughout the song. The song is four minutes and 16 seconds long, much longer than our film. The song will be editing during the editing phase to be shortened in order to fit the length of the film.

Monday, March 14, 2022

Change of Plans

Welcome back my lovely readers. Unfortunately, over the weekend I wasn't able to film. Those who are playing Cassandra, Jenny, and Amber were unable to film.
I am trying to film 3/17. The actor playing Cassandra is able to film. The other two actors who play Jenny and Amber might not be able to film. If so, I will find two others to film instead of them. The day of filming Scenes 1, 4, and 6 depend on whether the actor who plays Cassandra can film or not. 
If able to film on 3/17 then I have a schedule already worked out. Filming will begin at 1:30pm. Each scene will be filmed chronologically because that is the easiest order to film.
Before filming, the actors will all change into costume. Once the actor who plays Cassandra is ready, we will start filming. For scene 1, we will film each shot in order because it is the most effective way. After scene 1 is filmed, I will get ready for scene 4.
The actor will get a break after scene 1. To prepare for scene 4, the actors playing Jenny and Amber should already be ready. I will bring out the two bikes which will be used as props. To give the actor who plays Cassandra a longer break, the actors playing Jenny and Amber will be given time to take a quick bike ride to practice.
After scene 4, the actors playing Jenny and Amber are okay to leave. The actor playing Cassandra is going to be given a break as I prepare the bedroom. To prepare the bedroom, I simply need to replace pictures of myself to be photos of Cassandra.
Scene 6 will now begin filming, once finished the day of filming is over.
That is the ideal schedule for the day of filming. However, I may choose to follow a different schedule.

Thursday, March 10, 2022


Welcome back to the blog my lovely readers. Today I will be discussing the mis-en-scene of the film. This includes CLAMPS (costume, lighting, acting, makeup, props, and setting).
The costumes are a crop top and jeans for Cassandra, a t-shirt and leggings for Stephanie, and a t-shirt and shorts for Stephanie's mother. A tank top and shorts are for Jenny as well as a t-shirt and leggings for Amber.
The lighting is all both bright and dull lighting. For scenes 1, 2, and 4 are filmed outside. This means that the lighting is affected by the weather. Scene 3 starts with bright lighting but changes to dull lighting as the thunderstorm starts. Scenes 5 and 6 both have bright lighting. However, at the end of scene 6 as it fades to black, the lighting goes dull at first.
The acting consists of Jenna Olson as Cassandra and Abril Porcile as Stephanie. Jenny and Amber are played by Quinn McFadden and Ashlyn Young.
Makeup is all natural makeup. The actors can choose how if they want to wear makeup, and how much of it they would want to wear.
The props are bikes for scene 4. Scene 4 is filmed at my house and I have two bikes that will be used. The other props are a phone and a map. The phone used will be my own, used during scene 5. After discussing it, we have decided to use a globe instead of it a map. The globe is more realistic to be in a room and would be easier to use as a prop.
The setting remains the same. Scenes 1 and 4 will be filmed outside my house. Scene 2 will be filmed outside of Jade's house. Scenes 3 and 5 will be filmed at Jade's House. Scene 6 will be filmed at my house.
This concludes the mis-en-scene for the film.

Monday, March 7, 2022

Obtaining the Music

Welcome back my lovely readers, today is the day that production has started. The first step was to obtain legal right to use the song Always Forever by Cults. I was very unsure at first as to how I need to obtain this.
I first researched how one must get legal permission. I found out there are two separate forms of copyright. These being one for the song itself and the recording of the song. Being that I would need the actual song, I would need to get both forms of copyright.
I also researched how to get legal permission of these rights and found an article about it. The article said that they had emailed the label of the artist. I decided I would do the same.
I went to Apple Music and went to the album Static. Static was the album that Always Forever was on. At the bottom of the album it mentions Columbia Records. After searching on the internet what label Cults belongs to, I got the same result.
From there, I went to Columbia Record's website to find an email. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find one on their website. Instead, I searched online for their email and found it on a secondary website.
I then formulated the email. I made sure to include how this song will be used as well as my contact information. I then sent the email and hope they reply soon.
The process of attempting to obtain legal permission for a song is complicated. There is information online about it, but it is still a difficult thing.

Friday, March 4, 2022


The first shot: Establishing shot. No costumes or props. Outside Cassandra's house. No title design. Showing outside of Cassandra's house.
The second shot: Wide shot. Crop top and jeans. No props. Outside Cassandra's house. Title design: Blossom Waterfalls Presents. Cassandra just got back from time traveling.
The third shot: Pan. Crop top and jeans. No props. Outside Cassandra's house. No title design. Cassandra looks for Stephanie.
The fourth shot: Long shot. Crop top and jeans. No props. Outside Cassandra's house. Title design: A SJ Films Production. Cassandra walks into her house.
The fifth shot: Establishing shot. No costumes or props. Outside Stephanie's house. No title design. Showing outside of Stephanie's house.
The sixth shot: Wide shot. T-shirt and leggings. No props. Outside Stephanie's house. Title design: Starring Jenna Olson. Stephanie just got back from time traveling.
The seventh shot: Pan. T-shirt and leggings. No props. Outside Stephanie's house. No title design. Stephanie looks for Cassandra.
The eighth shot: Long shot. T-shirt and leggings. No props. Outside Stephanie's house. Title design: Quinn McFadden. Stephanie walks into her house.
The ninth shot: Medium shot. T-shirt and leggings. No props. Stephanie's room. No title design. Stephanie goes into her room.
The tenth shot: Pan. T-shirt and leggings. No props. Stephanie's room. Title design: Ashlyn Young. Stephanie looks around her room.
The eleventh shot: Over the shoulder. T-shirt and leggings. No props. Stephanie's room. No title design. A thunderstorm starts.
The twelfth shot: Medium long shot. Crop top and jeans. No props. Outside Cassandra's house. Title design: . Cassandra comes outside.
The thirteenth shot: Wide shot. Tank top and shorts; t-shirt and leggings. Bikes. The street. No title design. Jenny and Amber are biking.
The fourteenth shot: Three shot. Crop top and jeans; tank top and shorts; t-shirt and leggings. Bikes. The street. Title design: . Cassandra, Jenny, and Amber are biking.
The fifteenth shot: Medium long shot. Crop top and jeans. No props. The street. No title design. Cassandra walks away.
The sixteenth shot: Wide shot. Tank top and shorts; t-shirt and leggings. Bikes. The street. No title design. Jenny and Amber bike away.
The seventeenth shot: Eyeline match. T-shirt and leggings. No props. Stephanie's room. No title design. Stephanie looks at the mirror.
The eighteenth shot: Eyeline match. T-shirt and leggings. No props. Stephanie's room. Title design: Six States Apart. Stephanie starts talking to herself.
The nineteenth shot: Aerial shot. T-shirt and leggings. No props. Stephanie's room. No title design. Stephanie lays on her bed.
The twentieth shot: Long shot. T-shirt and leggings. No props. Stephanie's room. Title design: Edited by Jade Williams. Stephanie runs out of her room.
The twenty-first shot: Two shot. T-shirt and leggings; t-shirt and shorts. No props. The hallway. No title design. Stephanie talks to her mom.
The twenty-second shot: Medium shot. T-shirt and leggings. No props. The hallway. Title design: Edited by Jade Williams.
The twenty-third shot: Medium close up. T-shirt and leggings. No props. Stephanie's room. No title design. Stephanie lays on her bed.
The twenty-fourth shot: High angle. T-shirt and leggings. Phone. Stephanie's room. Title design: Produced by Jade Williams. Stephanie goes through her phone.
The twenty-fifth shot: Tilt. T-shirt and leggings. Map. Stephanie's room. No title design. Stephanie looks at a map.
The twenty-sixth shot: Pan. Crop top and jeans Photos. Cassandra's room. Title design: Story by Siena Zimmerman. Cassandra looks through her room.
The twenty-seventh shot: Low angle. Crop top and jeans No props. Cassandra's room. No title design. Cassandra looks at the mirror.
The twenty-eighth shot: Aerial shot. Crop top and jeans. No props. Cassandra's room. Title design: Written by Siena Zimmerman. Cassandra lays on her bed.
The twenty-ninth shot: Close up. Crop top and jeans. No props. Cassandra's room. No title design. Cassandra starts sobbing.
The thirtieth shot: Fade. No costumes, props, or setting. Title design: Directed by Siena Zimmerman. The screen fades to black.

Critical Reflection

The products made represent the social issue of teenage friendship. The film shows the development of two teenage girls who go on to become ...