Monday, March 28, 2022

The Process of Filming

Welcome back my lovely readers, today I filmed my part of the film. My partner and I are each filming part of the film. I had the responsibility of filming Cassandra's scenes. There were three scenes to film: scenes 1, 4, and 6.

Leading up to the day of filming was very difficult. Of the three actors in these scenes: Cassandra, Jenny, and Amber, they were all replaced. Cassandra was played by Lindsay White. Jenna Olson now plays Jenny, instead of Cassandra as planned. The character Amber was changed to Andre as Jack Olson played him. All of these recasts were necessary for me to film Cassandra's scenes.

For filming, Jenna and Jack got to my house first which was a challenge. I was only able to film two shots with them before Lindsay had arrived. I filmed the shot of them coming to Cassandra's house on their bikes and the shot of them leaving Cassandra's house. Both of these shots were in scene 4, the only scenes at which Jenny and Andre are part of.

Soon after, Lindsay had arrived and I was able to finish filming for scene 4. I showed everyone their lines for the scene and had them shortly practice them. The rest of scene 4 was filmed chronological order, to make things easier. I had Lindsay go inside my house and walk out. From there, I had Lindsay, Jenna, and Jack practice their lines a few times. This next shot of Cassandra, Jenny, and Andre talking took the most takes. There were multiple mistakes made which took much more time to film. Once this shot was filmed, we moved on to the shot of Cassandra walking away.

This was the final shot of scene 4. This meant Jenna and Jack were no longer needed in the filming process and shortly after left.

That's the first part of my day for filming.

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Critical Reflection

The products made represent the social issue of teenage friendship. The film shows the development of two teenage girls who go on to become ...