Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Continuation of Filming

Welcome back my lovely readers, I'm going to tell you all about the second part of my day of filming. To recap, I had just finished filming scene 4 and still need to film scenes 1 and 6.

Although the original plan was to film all the scenes and shots in sequential order, that got changed. Scenes 1 and 6 were filmed in sequence, though. 

The first shot has not yet been filmed because it has been changed since the storyboard. Instead of an establishing shot that shows the outside of Cassandra's house, I will be filming an establishing shot that shows a sign saying "Welcome to Fort Lauderdale". The reason for this change is to show the audience what location the scene is taking place and signify the distance between Cassandra and Stephanie.

Every other shot for Cassandra's scenes have been filmed. The first shot I filmed for the first scene was Cassandra turning around herself. After this shot, I had Lindsay (who plays Cassandra) practice her line. I made sure it was said with intent and conveyed the correct message for this scene. It took a few attempts to film that shot, but I was able to get it relatively quickly. The next shot was Cassandra walking into her house. I made sure to remind Lindsay to not look at the camera but to look right in front of herself. That was the final shot of scene 1.

For scene 6, I brought Lindsay up to the guest room in my house. This room was used as Cassandra's room. Before filming this scene, I took some things from my room to add that makes the room seem more like a teenage girl's. I then explained to Lindsay what happens in this scene and had her practice her line in this scene. The first shot showed Cassandra looking through her room. At first, the shot went to far with Lindsay walking past the mirror. This would not align with the following shot, so it needed to be change. I had Lindsay redo the shot and we were able to move onto the next shot. The following shot was Lindsay looking at the mirror. Due to myself not being able to be seen through the mirror, the first shot showed Lindsay out of view. I had to adjust her position to match with the camera which was able to make the shot work. The next shot showed Lindsay laying on the bed. I needed to stand on the bed and put the camera above her to be an aerial shot. The final shot shows Cassandra sobbing. To be able to do this, Lindsay sprayed water under her eye to make it seem as if she was crying.

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Critical Reflection

The products made represent the social issue of teenage friendship. The film shows the development of two teenage girls who go on to become ...